Saturday, July 25, 2009

L'équivoque, the ambiguous

(the ambiguous café macaron w caramel date ganache)

Morning macaron fans, lovers and followers like moi!

Today is I present to you...L'équivoque, the ambiguous macaron with slightly ash-violet colour, all natural, with a mix of hazelnut and almond flour (17g and 50g), flavoured with a dust of vanilla bean and a nutty dark filling of coffee and date. Can't seem to make up your mind, well choose the ambiguous, let your senses guide you to the next flavour...

L'équivoque, sitting pretty next to pink vanilla macaron.

What a lovely day to start a Saturday morning, don't want to have them straight for breakfast right? No, I would not think so.

A good friend and a great baker messaged me yesterday and gave me this quote:

"A moment of bliss in the mouth, forever on the hips"

So everything in moderation and enjoy them in every moment.

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