Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Macaron gift box

Monday, September 28, 2009
Eat Ladurée Macaron
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Swirl of Colour

image 1 from amabilia.com
image 2 from blog-europeauto.com
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mini Recipe
For now click here for great recipe by Duncan from Syrup and Tang.com using Italian Method which I highly recommend for anyone who has tried baking them and failed or wants a better recipe that yields strong and glowing shells.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Pierre Hermé eat macaron
Another 'shock-surprise' for me, his macarons are also très fragile when I cupped it with my fingers on the way to my mouth, it breaks easily, but slightly harder than Ladurée. This is why I am constantly irritated when people say that "They are not as hard, and domed-like like the ones I saw at Laurent, Brown's and Lindt" well that's because they never went to Paris and taste french macarons before and they certaintly don't use as much almond powder as they should. They are very fragile cookies, not wait 'cookies' is not a great enough description, they are 'fragile creatures' that needs special attention and care. et voilà, a quick lesson on macarons and how they are supposed to be (physically, texture-ly, flavour-wise and handled).
Sunday, September 13, 2009
From Paris...with sweet-love
Ladurée 15-permanent flavours:
Chocolat - Chocolat amer (Bitter chocolate)- Vanille - Café - Pétales de Rose - Pistache - Framboise (Raspberry)- Cassis violette (blackcurrent violet)- Caramel au beurre salé (salted caramel)- Fruits Rouges (mixed-red fruits)- Fleur d’Oranger (orange blossom)- Réglisse (licorice)- Citron (lemon)
Pierre Hermé flavours:
Mogador (chocolate passionfruit) - Infiniment Caramel (caramel buttercream)- Chocolat - Rose (rose buttercream with raspberry centre)- Cassis (blackcurrant)- Menthe Fraîche (Mint) - Huile d'Olive & Vanille (Olive oil and vanilla) - Mandarine & Baies Roses (Mandarin ganache with rose scent) - Jasmine (jasmine ganache) - Pistache et Framboise (pistachio and raspberry centre) - Americano Pamplemousse (grapefruit buttercream)
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Scent of Jasmine

By the way, I love the Essential store at Prahran market, I think it is the greatest thing in Melbourne for chefs, full-time bakers and the occassional-bakers alike. I drool everytime I see the Kitchen-Aid mixers on display. One day...One day...I kept saying to myself.

from bakerella at flickr.com. This is what I want! or perhaps what every baker wants...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Playing with strawberries

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Anyone for licorice?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
almost-final-six flavors macaron
Monday, September 7, 2009
le pistache fraise
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I'm loving...PROVINCIAL